Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that specializes in the prevention and correction of dental and facial irregularities.
Crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain, and hence are prime sources for accumulation of harmful bacteria. This may contribute to conditions that cause not only tooth decay but eventually gum disease and tooth loss. Orthodontic problems reduce the functional efficiency while chewing and can also lead to problems with the mouth joint.
To prevent the above-mentioned consequences, it is always advisable to let the child have an orthodontic screening before the age of 7. The ideal age to commence orthodontic treatment is between 11-14yrs, although treatment can be started at any age. Human bone responds best to tooth movement before the age of 18, and consequently orthodontic work is usually more beneficial to a child than an adult.
We at Radix Dental Care strive to provide an attractive smile by means of our team of specialist Orthodontists. A pleasing appearance is a vital asset to one’s self-confidence. A person’s self-esteem often improves as treatment brings teeth, lips and face into proportion. In this way, orthodontic treatment can benefit social and career success, as well as improve one’s general attitude toward life.